Website for a Real Estate Company

The client needed a modern, user-friendly website to showcase their real estate listings. They wanted a sleek design to enhance their brand image and credibility, providing visitors with easy access to comprehensive property information. They also needed customer support features such as inquiry forms to facilitate seamless communication with potential clients.

Admin Backend

A tailored admin backend was crafted to streamline property management. It facilitated effortless uploading and sharing of property listings, images, and videos.

Property Directory

A comprehensive property directory showcasing available listings was curated, featuring advanced search functionality for seamless property discovery. Users can easily find relevant listings based on their preferences and requirements.

Social Media Integration

Integration of social media links/icons for platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn facilitates seamless connection and engagement with clients and prospects across various social media platforms.

Design Enhancement

The website underwent a design transformation, focusing on a modern and professional aesthetic tailored to the company's brand identity. A dynamic theme with a real estate focus was implemented, incorporating relevant visuals, colors, and elements to enhance user experience and visual appeal.

WinOcean Limited

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